The treatment of language problems – Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle


In this paper the author continues with what he has been dealing with in the previous two issues of this journal: language problems. This time he presents the various strategies of treating language problems in general, with special regard to the bilingual minority communities like the community of Hungarians in Slovakia. He distinguishes the following language treatment strategies: solving, preventing, avoiding, denying, eliminating, accepting and enduring language problems. In each case, he gives a short definition and then illustrates every strategy with a number of examples, many of which come from language diaries written by students of Hungarian language and literature. He also deals with the question of the impact of language ideologies on discerning, evaluating and treating language problems.


István Lanstyák         81`27

The treatment of language problems         81`246.2



Keywords: Language management. Simple management. Organized management. Language problem. Strategies of treating language problems. Language ideologies.