Esz­ter Sza­bó: The His­to­ry of Rail­wa­ys in Csal­ló­köz from the Begin­ning to 1918 – Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle

Esz­ter Sza­bó: The His­to­ry of Rail­wa­ys in Csal­ló­köz from the Begin­ning to 1918

My study deals with the his­to­ry of the local railway, cros­sing Csal­ló­köz, from the begin­ning of its bu­il­ding to the disin­teg­ra­ti­on of the Austria-Hungarian Monarchy. The Csal­ló­köz rail­way was built in two parts: the 43,6 km long Pozsony–Dunaszerdahely1 line was deli­ve­red to traf­fic in 1895, while the 53,5 km long Komárom–Dunaszerdahely route was accom­plis­hed one year later. The two were uni­ted in 1904 and named Po­zsony–Ko­má­rom Uni­ted Local Railways.

In spite of the fact that all the local rail­wa­ys (or branch lines) were built on the basis of simi­lar designs, due to the big role of local in­te­rest (villages, landowners), the con­struc­ti­ons were pro­vi­ded differently. Their bu­il­ding was ini­ti­a­li­sed from lower lay­ers and the bu­il­ding of such rail­wa­ys needed the union of the whole reg­ion, and requ­es­ted subs­tan­ti­al finan­ci­al means.
Since in the con­struc­ti­on of rail­wa­ys the local peop­le had a very impor­tant role, the first chap­ter is about the reg­ion. In the sec­ond chap­ter the rea­der can read about the pre­ce­dents and bu­il­ding of the railway. Becau­se of the con­text the prob­le­ms of bu­il­ding local rail­wa­ys in Hun­ga­ry are touched. The third chap­ter exa­mi­nes the fun­cti­o­ning of the rail­way on the basis of annu­al reports issu­ed by rail­way joint stock companies. The last part tries to show the rail­way’s influ­en­ce on the reg­ion, although stres­ses that an ove­rall sur­vey of the topic requ­i­res a mo­re exten­si­ve com­plex rese­arch tou­ching the area’s eco­no­mi­cal and social issues.
For wri­ting a com­plex his­to­ry of the rail­way would requ­i­re the pro­cess and eva­lu­a­ti­on of seve­ral other data except of these. Therefore, we could achi­e­ve a pic­ture on the inte­rac­ti­on bet­we­en the rail­way and the deve­lop­ment of the Csal­ló­köz reg­ion. A mo­re exten­si­ve know­led­ge and intro­duc­ti­on of the his­to­ry of rail­way would dis­co­ver a newer branch of the regi­on’s history, and the exa­mi­na­ti­on of social, economic, cultural, and civi­li­sa­ti­on pro­ces­ses can reve­al the influ­en­cing fac­tors from the past. Infor­ma­ti­on found this way can help deve­lop­ment efforts of the reg­ion.