La­jos Cs. Nagy: Some of the Results and Fur­ther Direc­tions of Med­vesal­ja Vocab­u­lary Research – Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle

La­jos Cs. Nagy: Some of the Results and Fur­ther Direc­tions of Med­vesal­ja Vocab­u­lary Research

The author in this study intro­duces the process and the result of lex­i­co­log­i­cal research made in Med­vesal­ja and its sur­round­ing (Sőreg, Ajnác­skő, Cse­vi­ce, Gömöralmá­gy, Dobfenek, Gömör­péter­fala, Óbást, Egy­házas­bást [=Újbást], Ba­kó­há­za, Vec­sek­lő, Med­veshidegkút, Tajti). The basis of the study is from the 1162 ques­tions of The Atlas of Hun­gar­i­an Dialects answeres given on 617 ques­tions of lex­i­cal char­ac­ter as lan­guage data. In order to ensure the com­pare­ness of the data, dur­ing ter­rain work, the author adhered to th ques­tions of the atlas.

Accord­ing to a cor­pus part (cca 40 thou­sand data) select­ed from the data­base com­pris­ing approx. 80 thou­sand data, the basic ques­tion was how a region’s speak­ing com­mu­ni­ty names iden­ti­cal con­cep­tion­s, from qual­i­ta­tive and quan­ti­ta­tive point of view what char­ac­ter­is­tics lex­e­mas have. The author analysed the data clas­si­fy­ing them by con­cep­tion­s. From the point of view of gen­er­al divi­sion, and lex­i­cal divi­sion, the author com­pares nam­ing sys­tems in Med­vesalj with the research point data of the areas in the atlas, 3 Hun­gar­i­an (H–6: Karanc­sla­pu­jtő, H–7: Bárna and H–10: Bor­sod­szent­györ­gy), and 3 Slo­vak (Cssz–17: Bolyk, Cssz–18: Mag­yarh­e­gymeg and Cssz–19: Zsip).
The author out­lines the fur­ther ori­en­ta­tion of the research, since the dialect cor­pus com­pris­ing of 80 thou­sand can launch fur­ther numer­ous research­es. The rich mate­ri­al can be a basis for social lin­guis­tic exam­i­na­tion, mod­i­fi­ca­tion research, prepa­ra­tion of lan­guage atlases, com­plete seman­tics moti­va­tion exam­i­na­tion, etc. La­jos Cs. Nagy con­sid­ers the most impor­tant task to be the prepa­ra­tion of the lan­guage atlas. Obvi­ous­ly, addi­tion­al col­lec­tion is nec­ces­sary to make this. Such mate­ri­al would enable to write a rel­a­tive­ly com­plete dialec­to­log­i­cal monog­ra­phy.