Éva Matus – Be­á­ta Se­bő – An­na­má­ria Végh_: The Doc­u­men­tary Activ­i­ties of the Bib­lio­the­ca Hun­gar­i­ca

The ma­in goal of the Bib­lio­the­ca Hun­gar­i­ca, that was estab­lished in 1990, is to col­lect and to reserve the mem­o­ries, book­s, pub­li­ca­tions of Hun­gar­i­ans in Slo­va­ki­a. Its mis­sion is to pro­vide an insti­tu­tion­al frame­work for the col­lec­tion of Hun­gar­i­an issues relat­ing Hun­gar­i­ans liv­ing in Slo­va­ki­a, for its sci­en­tif­ic process, and for the cre­ation of a mo­dern doc­u­men­tary ser­vi­ce. The library con­sists of the fol­low­ing part­s: col­lec­tion of books and peri­od­i­cal­s, post-­card­s, voice archive, inher­i­tance, col­lec­tion of let­ters and man­u­script­s.

Its col­lec­tions of books and peri­od­i­cals is mo­re and mo­re used by researcher­s, uni­ver­stiy teach­ers and uni­ver­si­ty teach­er­s, and work­ers of insti­tu­tions deal­ing with the issues of Hun­gar­i­ans liv­ing in Slo­va­ki­a. Impor­tant goal of the Bib­lio­the­ca Hun­gar­ic is to pub­lish bib­li­ogra­phies, this is why it launched a book series titled Mis­cel­lanea Bib­lio­the­cae Hun­gar­i­cae.