The Situation of Hungarian Families with Disabled Children in Slovakia based on a Survey – Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle

Zsuzsanna Lampl

The Situation of Hungarian Families with Disabled Children in Slovakia based on a Survey


In our questionnaire survey conducted in 2015, we received answers from 143 families with one disabled child, in most cases. As many as 37% of the respondents knew exactly what kind of social benefits they were eligible for. 53% of them were only partially informed, 10% not at all. One-third of the respondents had not been informed by the social welfare department, more than one-third had not received information neither from the doctors nor from the media, and 41% mentioned that the NGOs for the disabled had not provided information for them at all. It seems that the best source of information is a parent suffering the same fate. In respect of care and assistance, parents can first of all rely on each other, the maternal grandparents, or their own healthy child. According to them, the following four problems are the most pressing ones to be resolved or provided: 1. increased financial support, 2. greater social tolerance, 3. better expertise of the competent officials, 4. better possibilities for leisure activities (sufficient clubs and places where the young people with disabilities could come together, and also sheltered workshops where they could work in accordance with their condition and abilities).

Zsuzsanna Lampl      364.26-053.2(=511.141)(437.6)

The Situation of Hungarian Families with Disabled Children      316.344.6-053.2(=511.141)(437.6)

in Slovakia based on a Survey         364.02


Keywords: financial situation, informedness, experience with aid and assistance of Hungarian families in Slovakia with disabled children, deficiencies in providing information and institutional assistance