Gizella Szabómihály: On the quality improvement of slovak-hungarian technical translations and on the conditions of the creation of objective translation criticism – Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle

Gizella Szabómihály: On the quality improvement of slovak-hungarian technical translations and on the conditions of the creation of objective translation criticism

Technical translation. Literary translation. Source language. Target language. Aspects of translation eval-uation. Norms. Bilingual situation. Research topics and directions.

Significant part of Hungárián texts written in Slovakia is translation, and/or other type of meta-texts. Since publishing Hungárián (and national minority) texts for those to whom these texts are intended are rather symbolical than for practical reasons, the quality of such texts has been only occasionally commented, and the occasional criticism was oriented mainly on the wrong usage of words. The study tries to outline that system of criteria according to which the translations can be objectively evaluated, and/or those expectations that can be requested from the translators. Since at the evaluation of a translation the target language norm and the interpretation of norms are of central importance, the author evén emphasises how the target language norm can be interpreted in a bilingual situation, and/or what research must be done to judge whether the translation meets target language norms.