Zoltán Csehy: Enea Silvio Piccolomini, the poet of love. Elegiac and priapistic interpretation levels in the volume titled Cinthia – Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle

Zoltán Csehy: Enea Silvio Piccolomini, the poet of love. Elegiac and priapistic interpretation levels in the volume titled Cinthia

The study shows that the early humanistic poems active in addiction of the antic Vergilius biographies adjusted their self-fashioning to the Vergilius ego. The pseudo-vergilius book of poems titled Priapea provides a legitimisation to the expansion of the boisterous poetry (Beccadelli, Pontano, Porcellio, etc.). The geniality of Piccolomini’s Cinthia stems from the fact that the antic model of so-called book of love poems is mingled with priapic tradition, and the result of this is that the interpretation of the particular texts is multiplied, ambiguity is sharpened, with which the traditional genre conventions are questioned. The book titled Cinthia follows an epic line, and has a loose, but organised composition. The performance emphasises the servitium amoris paradigm, and/or reading possibilities that can be described by priapistic praelusiones category.