Ani­ta Lint­ner: Com­mon noun code changes in the lan­guage of the Hun­gar­i­an press in Czecho­slo­va­kia between the two world wars

This study deals with the issue of writ­ten lan­guage code changes, main­ly com­mon noun changes. The source is the Hun­gar­i­an press in (Czecho)slovakia between the two world wars. The study tries to dis­cov­er the motives that with­in a closed frame (in the lan­guage of the press) result­ed the com­mon noun code changes. It also intends to reveal in what sit­u­a­tion do the Hun­gar­i­an reporters decide in such a way that they „put“ the ele­ments, ele­ment lines of the (Czecho)slovak lan­guage in a direct way and what is (could be) the rea­son of this deci­sion. After the intro­duc­tion and a short method­olog­i­cal chap­ter the authors tries to sum­ma­rize some of the the­o­ret­i­cal issues of writ­ten code changes, then in the most lengthy part of the study the goals of com­mon noun code changes are ana­lyzed (for exam­ple authen­ti­ca­tion, style effec­t, delim­it­ing) by intro­duc­ing exten­sive sam­ple mate­ri­al­s. Final­ly, the con­nec­tions of code change and between-lan­guage com­mu­ni­ca­tion (trans­la­tion) are ana­lyzed.

The changes gen­er­al­ly rise up in well-de­fined func­tion­s. The most code-changes hap­pen in order to reach authen­ti­ca­tion that is impor­tant from prac­ti­cal aspects and to reach style effect (and/or delim­it­ing).
The author tries to select the exam­ined news­pa­pers rep­re­sen­ta­tive­ly – exam­ines news­pa­pers with dif­fer­ent polit­i­cal ori­en­ta­tion from the begin­ning, mid­dle and end of the peri­od. Although, it seems that nei­ther the date of issue, nor polit­i­cal ori­en­ta­tion influ­ences rel­e­vant­ly the appear­ance of coda changes. There are news­pa­pers in which the author found min­i­mal exam­ples of com­mon noun code changes (such exam­ple is the Kas­sai Mun­kás – in trans­la­tion „The Kas­sa Work­er“ from 1920, Reg­gel – in trans­la­tion „Morning“ from 1920 and Ma­gyar Nap – in trans­la­tion „Hungarian Sun“ from 1937), and in which the author found rather lot (Kas­sai Nap­ló – in trans­la­tion „Kas­sa Diary“ – from 1920, Mun­kás – in trans­la­tion „Worker“ – from 1931, Prá­gai Ma­gyar Hír­lap – in trans­la­tion „Prague Hun­gar­i­an News“ – from 1929, Ma­gyar Új­ság – in trans­la­tion „Hungarian News­pa­per“ from 1937). Most of the Slo­vak expres­sions imbed­ded in the arti­cles stem from inter­nal, con­tex­tu­al rea­son­s: vocab­u­lary of jour­nal­ist­s, their expert­ise in the two lan­guage, emo­tion­al or pres­tige motives. The jour­nal­ist­s’ expert­ise in the Czechoslo­vak lan­guage is con­nect­ed to the vast num­ber of spelling and gram­mat­i­cal mis­takes pres­ent in the exam­ples. It is also fre­quent that the Slo­vak lan­guage inser­tions are writ­ten with Hun­gar­i­an spelling. I all is not sur­pris­ing, since at that time the Slo­vak lan­guage of Hun­gar­i­an jour­nal­ists was not good and they had no oppor­tu­ni­ties to check on the gram­mat­i­cal issues (the first gram­mat­i­cal rules were pub­lished in the work of Samo Czam­bel in 1931).