Language cultivation and language planning are known conceptions; although the term of language management introduced by B. Jernudd and J.V. Neustupný have not commanded the attention of Hungarian linguists. The author in her study firstly introduces the theory of language management, then examines two questions: Would not it be useful to introduce the term of language management by the term of language planning and language cultivation?; 2. How do we explain the relationship of language management, language planning and language cultivation? The author answers the first question positively, firstly due to the fact that with this term that activity can be well described that e.g. Gramma Language Office provides when tries to solve language issues arising in the Hungarian speech community in Slovakia. In connection with the second question the author agrees with the opinion of Jernudd and Neustupný that use expression of language planning instead of language management, e.g.: „The use of this term, language management, in lieu of the currently widely used language planning will leave the latter term free to refer to the particular phase of the »linguistics of language problems« which developed in the 1970s.” (Jernudd and Neustupny 1987, 71). According to the author it would be useful to distinguish language management oriented on the solution of concrete language problems (even if it is organized language management) and theory and goals in the framework of the answers on language problems (i.e. language planning). In fact the traditional language cultivation would fit to language management, and/or to the last phase of language planning, implementation.