Guidelines for Authors


The Fórum Social Sciences Review is the fifth annual Issue of the Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle ( in English language. It publishes texts (studies, debates, conference reports, reviews, etc.) mainly on topics regarding Hungarians living in Slovakia.

The Author is required to keep in touch with the Editor, Barnabás Vajda; e-mail:

Regarding studies, a proper level of written English language is obligatory for the Author. Fórum Social Sciences Review does not provide English translation, nevertheless it takes care of English proofreading. The Editor and the English language proofreader make corrections in the manuscript only in the most necessary extent. A manuscript that does not meet sufficient linguistic criterias, can be rejected by the Editor, regardless to its content.

The content of studies will undergo external peer review. The Author will be notified about the result of the review process: publish – publish after revision by the Author – reject.

Format and technical requirements

Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor’s e-mail address in editable electronic format. Texts should be in Word format, charts in Excel, pictures and photos as .jpg. The Author should hand in a plain text (in technical terms) as simple as possible, with a minimum of formatting. It means that the Author should avoid complicated formatting solutions, or full-capital-letter names, or special types of letters, etc.

The deadline for sending in manuscripts is June 30.

Simultaneously with the Manuscript, the Author is obliged to send in an Author’s Personal Sheet, inlc. Author’s name, occupation, etc. as he/she wishes to publish them (see below).

Formal requirements for studies

Required standard typology:

  • Times New Roman 12;
  • line spacing: 1,0;
  • text aligned left.

For footnotes:

  • TNR 10;
  • line spacing 1,0.

Studies have to contain the following items – in the following order:

  • Author’s name (first name, family name):
  • Title of the study:
  • Abstract in English which expresses the brief summary of the study:
  • English Keywords: 4 to 8; words separated from each other with semicolon; ending with full stop.
  • *, ** Other information that the Author wishes to publish, such as identification of a project, Orcid-ID, WoS-ID: E.g. [; ORCID: 0000-0002-9156-9002]

The structure of the text is marked with chapter titles, such as Introduction, Conclusions, etc. Chapter titles can be marked with numbers too (e.g. 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.).

As a general rule while quoting, use this orthography: …as Kant says “……”

Reference to Literature

Bibliographical references (both direct citations as well as paraphrases) are written as intertextual references, i.e. a short-version bibliographical reference is inserted right into the main text in a bracket. The full-version of the bibliographical reference is listed at the end of the study in the Literature.

Example: (Huizinga 1976) or (Huizinga 1976: 115) or (Huizinga 1976: 14 -25). 1) or (see more in Simon 2014).

Listing a literature, both explicitly cited and/or implicitly applied, is optional for the Author, in the Literature chapter at the end of the study, in alphabetical order.

Reference to books, monographs:

  1. Authors’s full name (family name [comma], first name)
  2. and year of publication.
  3. Full title of the book or monograph (in Italic).
  4. Place of publication,
  5. and name of the publishing house.

Example: Huizinga, Johan 1976. A középkor alkonya. Budapest, Európa.

If the Hungarian title is translated, then: Huizinga, Johan 1976. Egy korszak vége (The End of an Epoch). Budapest, Európa.

Reference to studies or other texts published in collective works:

  1. Authors’s full name (family name [comma], first name)
  2. and year of publication.
  3. Full title of the study or other text.
  4. In:
  5. Name of editor of the collective work (family name [comma], first name)
  6. (szerk.) or (ed.) or (eds.):
  7. Full title of the collective work (in Italic).
  8. Place of publication,
  9. name of publishing house,
  10. and page range (17–19).

Example: Hajnal, István 1986. Mikor érünk Európába? In: Ring, Éva (szerk.): Helyünk Európában. Nézetek és koncepciók a 20. századi Magyarországon. Budapest, Magvető, 624–645.

Reference to journals, magazines:

  1. Authors’s full name (family name [comma], first name)
  2. and year of publication.
  3. Title of the text.
  4. Title of the journal or magazine (in Italic),
  5. Volume,
  6. Issue number,
  7. and page range (17–19).

Example: Pašiaková, Jaroslava 1992. Kassák és a Bauhaus. Irodalmi Szemle, 35. évf. 7. sz. 692.


Archival and press sources are referred to in a form of footnotes. It means that in the text a numbered upper index (‘Insert footnotes’) refers to the detailed footnote text elaborated at the bottom of the same page.

Example: Slovenský národný archív v Bratislave (SNA v BA), fond Ministerstvo školstva a národnej osvety (MŠaNO), 1939-1945, kartón (k.) 52., dokumentu Nariadenie ministerstva školstva zo dňa 12.4.1941.

As a general rule while referring to a press source, use Hungarian orthography: Prágai Magyar Hírlap, 1935. június 5., 6. old. Or: The Observer, 1935. 5. 17, 1935, 27-29.

Online references are referred to in a form of footnotes (‘Insert footnotes’). Date of access should be marked:
(; last accessed 2021.04.19.)
Bibliographic reference at the end of the footnote: …done. Walter 1968: 28-32. (no bracket)

Pictures and charts

Each chart and photo should be given a title. The place of charts and photos should be clearly marked in the text, but they must NOT be inserted into the text. It means that charts and photos should be attached to the Manuscript in separate files.

Example: (in the text) 1. Table. National minorities in Hungary between 1880 and 1910.