Hungarian place-names of Transcarpathia: codification attempts and results (1989–2000) – Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle

Hungarian place-names of Transcarpathia: codification attempts and results (1989–2000)

During the 20th century, the Hungarian community, together with other local ethnic groups living in the territory of Transcarpathia, had to sustain more governmental changes causing the change of place-names in the region – mainly because of ideological reasons, without taking cultural traditions or historical backgrounds into consideration. In this study we examine and introduce the changes of the Hungarian place-names of Transcarpathia between 1989 and 2000. Beside the relating special literature we use local newspapers as other sources and we also analyse the related legal environment. Our main objective is to describe the restoration of the original historical place-names of the Transcarpathian Hungarian community.


Sándor Dobos            81`373.21(477.87)

Hungarian place-names of Transcarpathia: codification attempts         811.511.141`373.21(477.87)

and results (1989–2000)

Keywords: Transcarpathia, Hungarian minority, place-names, codification.