The Hun­gar­i­an his­to­ry has a lot of per­son­al­i­ties suc­cess­ful abroad and al­most not known or val­ued at home. Fe­renc Tóth – François de Tott (1733–1793), – belongs to them, who is French gen­er­al, diplo­mat, engi­neer and writer of mem­o­ran­da of Hun­gar­i­an ori­gin. As one of the most impo­rant rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion of the Rá­kó­czi emi­gra­tion in France, is known main­ly in France, but on the basis of the most impor­tant loca­tion of his activ­i­ties works deal­ing with the his­to­ry of the Osman Em­pi­re include him. Ver­sailles in 1767 noticed the young diplo­mat. He was appoint­ed con­sul of Grím, where he faced a dif­fi­cult task. Against the rap­id­ly grow­ing influ­ence of Rus­sia he had to pro­tect the claims of France. Later he was active in Car­ihrad, the sul­tan asked him to make a mil­i­tary map. The sul­tan was very sat­is­fied with the work, with which he gained the sul­tan’s con­fi­dence, and there­fore he was asked to ful­fill anoth­er tasks: to strenght­en the fortress­es of Dar­d­anel­las, to renew the Turk­ish artillery, to estab­lish a can­non foundry, to open a mar­itime school, to plan a pon­toon-bridge, but he intro­duced the usage of bay­o­net at the Turk­ish army. These wide-range mil­i­tary reforms set the basis Baron Fe­renc Tóth’s rep­u­ta­tion, that soon get into West Europe, too.

The most impor­tant work of Fe­renc Tóth is con­sid­ered his mem­o­ran­da. The first French issue was pub­lished in 1784 in Ams­ter­dam. The Mem­o­ran­da were not writ­ten in one time. They are based on a record of a jour­ney that the baron began to write on his first jour­ney to Car­ihrad. Later after his jour­ney to the Mediter­ranean, re-wrote it and changed their form. The Mem­o­ran­da con­sists of tive part­s: intro­duc­tion, first stay in Car­ihrad, diplo­mat­ic trip to Krím, sec­ond stay in Car­ihrad and final­ly the trip in Lev­ante. Between the lines a wise man arose with good obser­va­tion. Fe­renc Tóth’s writ­ings are cap­ti­vat­ing, but he still stays off shal­low enter­tain­ing. He is reserved, and does not go to the field of erot­ic descrip­tions already pres­ent in that time. The genre of his writ­ings is most­ly a record of a jour­ney with the signs typ­i­cal for pre­romat­ic­s.