The Assets of the Hungarian National Central Credit Cooperative in Czechoslovakia (1918–1928)
This study deals with the property problems of the Budapest-based (Hungarian) National Central Credit Cooperative (Országos Központi Hitelszövetkezet) in Czechoslovakia in 1918, and with the Czechoslovak–Hungarian negotiations on cooperatives. From 1919, the Slovak-leaded Central Cooperative (Ústredné družstvo) successfully monopolized its position in the field of cooperative issues. The National Central Credit Cooperative tried to enforce its interests from an unfavourable position, as it had posted against the Slovak credit cooperatives a debt of 53,2 mil. Austro-Hungarian crowns. Between 1920 and 1927, the National Central Credit Cooperative held lengthy and intermittent negotiations with the Slovak Central Cooperative. They were able to agree on the smaller proportion of the Slovakian credit cooperatives only in 1924. The greater part of the capital of the Slovakian credit cooperatives had still remained in Budapest.