Standardization as a language management activity
In my paper I deal with language management activities aimed at the standardization of a language. As an introduction I present three concepts of the “standard” (standard as an ideal variety, standard as a dialect, standard as an ideological construct). Further I analyse three constitutive features of standards: regulatedness, polyfunctionalism and high degree of ideological loadedness. The main part of the paper is concerned with various language management activities, the common trait of which is that they play role in creating, developing and maintaining the standard: selection, codification, functional differentiation, elaboration, standardist discourse, creation of sample texts in the standard variety, acquisition and learning of the standard, dissemination of the standard, management of standard discourses. Besides I touch upon the question of the differences between the processes of standardization and koineization.
István Lanstyák 811.511.141
Standardization as a language management activity
Keywords: standard, standardization, standard ideology, codification, koineization, variation, dialect, register.