The attempts of the Mukachevo Diocese to establish an independent Greek-Catholic Archdiocese before the middle of the 19th century

The attempts for advocacy of the Mukachevo Diocese presented themselves in several forms, often combining with efforts for strengthening the Ruthenian national awareness. After the Uzhgorod Union in 1646, this intention was aimed at the reduction of the influence of the bishop of Eger. The dependence from Eger was eliminated by the canonisation of the diocese. The episcopate fell under the authority of the primate of Esztergom. Bishop András Bacsinszky was the one, who first suggested the establishment of the Greek-Catholic Archdiocese, which would have included the Mukachevo diocese as well. Nevertheless, the protests of the Hungarian leading circles crossed these plans. The revolution in 1848 though gave new hope to the Mukachevo diocese keeping good relationship with the Hungarian government. In summer 1848, bishop Vazul Popovics and his chapter expressed his wish to establish the Mukachevo Archdiocese in Hungary, which would have controlled the Greek-Catholic hierarchy in Hungary. The Hungarian Ministry of Culture, however, did not support this endeavour, because of the unfavourable opinions of the Romanian bishops. The situation had not changed after the defeated war of independence either. A church organization independent from Esztergom was provided for the Romanian Greek-Catholics gaining considerable credit in the counter-revolution by the Vienna government.


Ferenc Molnár           282:281

The attempts of the Mukachevo Diocese to establish an independent  281.91(477.87)

Greek-Catholic Archdiocese before the middle of the 19th century       262.3(477.87)

Keywords: The establishment of the Mukachevo Diocese. Attempts to establish a Greek-Catholic Archdiocese. The power rivalry of the Ruthenian and the Romanian Greek-Catholic church in Hungary. András Bacsinszky (1732–1809). Vazul Popovics (Basil, 1796–1864).