Va­lér Ve­res: Futu­re Plans in the Cir­cle of the Hun­ga­ri­an Mino­ri­ty Youth and the Majo­ri­ty Youth in the Con­text of Social and Ori­gin Bac­kground – Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle

Va­lér Ve­res: Futu­re Plans in the Cir­cle of the Hun­ga­ri­an Mino­ri­ty Youth and the Majo­ri­ty Youth in the Con­text of Social and Ori­gin Bac­kground

Futu­re plan­ning of the Hun­ga­ri­an mino­ri­ty youth and the majo­ri­ty living in the Car­pat­hi­an Basin is on the one hand deter­mi­ned by the regi­on’s gene­ral social and eco­no­mic state, and on the other hand by the situ­a­ti­on of the social layer wit­hin the reg­ion. In the cir­cle of those young peop­le who live in bet­ter con­di­ti­ons in the regi­ons – eit­her the Hun­ga­ri­an mino­ri­ty or the majo­ri­ty – signs of the len­gthe­ning of youth life period, len­gthe­ning of life period at scho­ols and the expan­sion of edu­ca­ti­on is visible. These chan­ges pro­mote the expan­sion of post-material valu­es that form the bac­kground of the sec­ond demog­rap­hic tran­si­tion of a Van de Kaa-type. These results con­firm that sta­te­ment that the East-Middle-European chan­ges in having a baby and postpo­ning the time for fami­ly plan­ning and get­ting mar­ri­ed are pres­ent not main­ly in the regi­ons that are in disad­van­ta­ge­ous situ­a­ti­on after the sys­tem changes, but on the contrary, in mo­re advan­ta­ge­ous regi­ons (our exam­ples are main­ly the young peop­le from the majo­ri­ty in East Slovakia, from which many live in the pros­pe­rous Bratislava).
The social and ori­gin bac­kground wit­hin the regi­ons also very sig­ni­fi­cant­ly arti­cu­la­tes futu­re strategies. Main­ly in the urba­ni­sed regi­ons – like Bel­ső-Er­dély, Fel­vi­dék and Vaj­da­ság – sig­ni­fi­cant dif­fe­ren­ti­a­ti­on by social bac­kground can be seen. To the futu­re plans we assig­ned youth groups having spe­cial social pro­fi­le that to a cer­ta­in extent har­mo­ni­ze with the class spe­ci­fic habits of Zinnecker-type and youth ideology. Young peop­le with bet­ter eco­no­mic and cul­tu­ral background, the „elite“ chose enter­pris­ing cha­rac­te­ris­tic of eco­no­mic class fraction, and the cul­tu­ral class frac­ti­on chose fur­ther study or mo­re abstract, inde­pend­ent way of life that is one of the signs of beco­ming inde­pend­ent in young life, and as such is the expres­si­on of the pro­cess of youth period changes. These chan­ges are pres­ent in Szé­kely­föld and Kár­pát­al­ja even less slightly, but in the cir­cle of young peop­le in towns its signs are visible.
Inten­ti­on to work abro­ad in Er­dély are sig­ni­fi­cant­ly strong, of which ma­in rea­son is that the most part of young peop­le is besi­de the chan­ge of atti­tu­des in con­nec­ti­on with the expan­sion of edu­ca­ti­on and fami­ly plan­ning is for­ced to rea­li­se its futu­re plans that are com­pa­red with the oppor­tu­ni­ti­es „demanding“ abroad. This for­cing power is seen in every reg­ion, but in dif­fe­rent extent and for­ces the young peop­le of majo­ri­ty and the local Hun­ga­ri­an young peop­le to emig­ra­te in the same extent. Although the oppor­tu­ni­ti­es to work abro­ad in the neig­hbou­ring Hun­ga­ry are mo­re rea­li­sab­le for the Hun­ga­ri­an young people, the­re­fo­re fol­lo­wing the recent trends, there are mo­re Hun­ga­ri­ans who emigrate.