One part of lin­guists still con­sid­er sci­ence of names to be an aux­il­iary sci­ence. Although the major­i­ty of sci­en­tist of sci­ence of names – as well as the study’s author – has dif­fer­ent opin­ion on it. In the first part of the study the author intro­duces its cre­ation and sub­ject as a sci­ence with its own prin­ci­ples. The sec­ond part of the study takes into con­sid­er­a­tion the ma­in con­tact points of name geog­ra­phy and name geog­ra­phy. The clos­ing chap­ter of the study sum­maris­es that expe­ri­ence that should be taken into con­sid­er­a­tion accord­ing to the author at the plan­ning of sci­ence of names research in Slo­va­ki­a.

The cur­rent sub­ject of sci­ence of names is the prop­er name itself. Although, he­re imme­di­at­ly the def­i­ni­tion of prop­er names caus­es prob­lem­s. There is still a con­flict in con­nec­tion with what we con­sid­er prop­er noun­s, in la­tin nomen pro­pri­um. Fur­ther obsta­cles of con­cep­tion def­i­ni­tion is that well-­known fact that some lan­guages dif­fer­ent­ly judge cer­tain cat­e­gories. For exam­ple, in Hun­gar­i­an lan­guage hol­i­days and cer­tain memo­ri­al days are not con­sid­ered prop­er names. On the con­trary, Russ­ian does. In Slo­vak the names of peo­ple of dif­fer­ent nations are con­sid­ered as prop­er names. And we can even con­tin­ue in it.
The def­i­ni­tion of lan­guage geog­ra­phy is to be defined in a mo­re nar­row and wider sense. Accord­ing to the wider inter­pre­ta­tion includes con­nec­tion on the level of lan­guage ter­ri­to­ries and the exam­i­na­tion of lan­guage areas as well. Accord­ing to the mo­re nar­row inter­pre­ta­tion it deals only with the clas­si­fi­ca­tion of dialect­s. Lan­guage geog­ra­phy research from the point of view of sci­ence his­to­ry orig­i­nate in dialec­tic­s. The ini­tial research­es have been changed to goal-ori­ent­ed research­es.