Ferenc Vörös: Névkutatás és névföldrajz
One part of linguists still consider science of names to be an auxiliary science. Although the majority of scientist of science of names – as well as the study’s author – has different opinion on it. In the first part of the study the author introduces its creation and subject as a science with its own principles. The second part of the study takes into consideration the main contact points of name geography and name geography. The closing chapter of the study summarises that experience that should be taken into consideration according to the author at the planning of science of names research in Slovakia.
The current subject of science of names is the proper name itself. Although, here immediatly the definition of proper names causes problems. There is still a conflict in connection with what we consider proper nouns, in latin nomen proprium. Further obstacles of conception definition is that well-known fact that some languages differently judge certain categories. For example, in Hungarian language holidays and certain memorial days are not considered proper names. On the contrary, Russian does. In Slovak the names of people of different nations are considered as proper names. And we can even continue in it.
The definition of language geography is to be defined in a more narrow and wider sense. According to the wider interpretation includes connection on the level of language territories and the examination of language areas as well. According to the more narrow interpretation it deals only with the classification of dialects. Language geography research from the point of view of science history originate in dialectics. The initial researches have been changed to goal-oriented researches.