Peter Zajac: Central European National Anthems
The study considers anthems to be political symbols that came into existence at the development of modern political nations in the 19th century. The national anthems are from political point of view related to the creation of modern political symbols, from the point of view of history of culture related to the creation of national and cultural identity consciousness, and/or to the creation of national myths and majesty esthetics, from the point of view of literature is related to anthem genres and eschatological topic and asking reward for historical sufferings.
From the point of view of esthetics, the Central European anthems belong to the territory of majesty esthetics, to that territory that defines majesty in original terms of Schiller and Kant, i.e. as a natural and historical phenomena.
Therefore, the anthems express nature vertically, that is as a mix of admiration coming from majesty and fear from a horrification, and horizontally as a lost paradise.
Considering time, from historical point of view Central European anthems focus on sufferings that took place through decades that later bring the long-awaited redemption – the territorial expansion.
The joint feature of Central European anthems is to express special national fate, using myths of similar type. The transfer of words, and/or melodies from one anthem to another proves this.