Dur­ing the organ­i­sa­tion process of Sub-­­carpathia to become a polit­i­cal reg­ion pa­ral­lel with the offi­cial polit­i­cal events aris­ing main­ly as the Russ­ian issue the local Hun­gar­i­an com­mu­ni­ty went through a unique route. It took a long time to become aware of the fact that the new bor­ders mean not only a tem­po­rary sit­u­a­tion, but they are final. With­in the Hun­gar­i­an com­mu­ni­ty in the first steps was the cre­ation of own polit­i­cal organ­i­sa­tion­s. In this early peri­od the Sub-Carpathian Hun­gar­i­an par­ties were cre­at­ed: Hun­gar­i­an Legal Par­ty, Auto­nom­ic Party of Orig­i­nal Inhab­i­tants, Christian-Socialistic Par­ty, the Party of Small Landown­er­s, Crafts­men, and Farm­er­s. From the begin­ning the Hung­nar­i­an sec­tion of the Czechoslo­vak Com­mu­nis­tic Party had a big influ­ence on the pop­u­la­tion. From the Hun­gar­i­an par­ties to the sec­ond part of the 1920’s the Hun­gar­i­an Legal Party and the Auto­nom­ic Party of Orig­i­nal Inhab­i­tants were can­celled. The Party of Small Landown­er­s, Farm­er­s, and Indus­tri­als was trans­formed to the Hun­gar­i­an Nation­al Par­ty, that con­clud­ed alliance with the Christian-Socialistic Party that enables co-­op­er­a­tion. At the elec­tions of the Hun­gar­i­a