Jú­lia Lovisek: Name Changes of the Street in Bratisla­va from Polit­i­cal Rea­sons after the Cre­ation of the First Czechoslo­vak Repub­lic

The study deals with the cre­ation of street names in Bratisla­va and their changes of polit­i­cal char­ac­ter in the peri­od from 1918 to 1938. This peri­od was deter­min­ing in the changes of Bratisla­va street names, because not only one polit­i­cal change hap­pened, but with the cre­ation of a new coun­try, Czecho­slo­va­ki­a, an eth­i­cal re-arrange­ment start­ed. In the peri­od of street name changes, in 1921 in the city the Slo­vaks that were in minor­i­ty posi­tion got to the posi­tion of a nation cre­at­ing a state. For them, chang­ing street names served not only for lan­guage and eth­ni­cal­ly cul­tur­al goal­s, but it had also ide­o­log­i­cal goal­s, too. Sym­bol­i­cal dis­pos­sess­ing of Bratislava, the „joint square”, with which they want­ed to rep­re­sent real dis­pos­ses­sion.

The author describes all those his­tor­i­cal events that deter­mined these street name changes of polit­i­cal char­ac­ter. From the 352 streets of Bratislava, the study sta­tis­ti­cal­ly process­es 245 street name changes of 160 street­s. By intro­duc­ing these data the author emphases the polit­i­cal goal – caus­ing street name changes – to re-write the his­to­ry of Bratisla­va and to erase every­thing that recalls Ger­man and Hun­gar­i­an past of Bratisla­va. The result of this polit­i­cal effort was that street names of Bratisla­va lost that char­ac­ter that was cre­at­ed through the his­to­ry.