Tí­mea Ve­res: The Polit­i­cal Come-back of Tuka – Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle

The author deals with Vojtech Tuka’s polit­i­cal come­back after his impris­on­men­t. Tuka is a con­tro­ver­sial fig­ure of the Slo­vak his­to­ry. He was con­sid­ered irre­den­tist, feel­ing with Hun­gar­i­an­s, but at the same time Slo­vak patri­ot, mar­tyr, and the father of Slo­vak inde­pen­dence, too.

In his study pub­lished on Jan­u­ary 1, 1928 titled Vac­u­um iuris, he raised the exam­i­na­tion of Czech and Slo­vak nation­al polit­i­cal rela­tion­ship. The Czech gov­ern­men­t, refer­ring to their sedi­tious divi­sive activ­i­ty, and/or that they made a mil­i­tary trea­son (spied for Hun­ga­ry), begun a law­suit against it. On Octo­ber 6, 1929 he was sen­tenced for 15 years impris­on­men­t. The Czechoslo­vak Secret Serv­ic­es had a sig­nif­i­cant role in con­dem­na­tion of Tuka that pro­vid­ed evi­dence against him, that could not be used dur­ing the law­suit, but the key wit­ness­es were made to tes­ti­fy.
It is bewil­der­ing that he could come back to pol­i­tic­s, even if we know that the Ger­mans were on his side, and the chaot­ic polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion before the Sec­ond World War played an impor­tant role, too.
The issue of Tuka’s amnesty arose at the cen­tral gov­ern­ment many times, and/or with­in the Slo­vak Peo­ple’s Par­ty, although both par­ties want­ed to use it in the most con­ven­ient time. After mo­re unsuc­cess­ful try­ings meet­ing of in­te­rest was reached by the Pres­i­den­tial elec­tions in 1935.
Edvard Beneš could not be cer­tain in his vic­to­ry until the time when the Slo­vak Peo­ple’s Par­ties of Hlin­ka type were behind him, and/or the agrar­i­ans wait­ing for the deci­sions of the Peo­ple’s Par­ty. One of the con­di­tions of the Peo­ple’s Party was pro­vid­ing Tuka with amnesty that Beneš con­nect­ed with a con­fes­sion.
Tuka wrote his con­fes­sion at the Pankrác prison in Prague, and sent it to Beneš, who was the Min­is­ter of For­eign Affairs at that time, in April 1935. In the doc­u­men­t, he con­fessed his anti-s­tate, sub­ver­sive activ­i­ty, although he reject­ed mil­i­tary betray­al.
After Beneš became Pres­i­den­t, he did not for­get his promise, although Tuka’s amnesty had an influ­en­tial oppo­nen­t. The Min­is­ter of Jus­tice, who was of Slo­vak orig­in, Ivan Dér­er, did not want to free Tuka, and at the same time he want­ed to resist the impact of the press made by the Peo­ple’s Par­ty.
In May 1937 Dér­er, in medi­a­tion of Beneš, was will­ing to dis­cuss on amnesty. Its mean­ing was that Tuka can spend the remain­ing time of his pun­ish­ment on con­di­tion­al release, liv­ing at a flat assigned for him, under con­stant super­vi­sion.
In June 1937 Tuka was trans­ferred from the Pankrác in Prague to the Bory in Plzeò. He worked as the prison’s librar­i­an, accord­ing to other sources he was also employed as typ­ist at the dis­trict court. The peri­od spent in Plzeò was peace­ful, his wife was enabled to be with him and it was allowed to him to pro­vide sci­en­tif­ic work. Although, the peace­ful peri­od soon end­ed. On Sep­tem­ber 29, 1938, under the Munich deci­sion the Ger­man ter­ri­to­ri­al require­ments toward Czecho­slo­va­kia were agreed. Thus, the way to the dec­la­ra­tion of Slo­va­kia’s auton­o­my was clear and Tuka’s return to Slo­va­ki­a, as well.