The deservedly best known and, at the same time, the youngest spa of the Gömör (Gemer) region was situated in the valley of the Rima river, on a hilly countryside protected from winds southeast of Rimaszombat (Rimavská Sobota), in the district of Rimaszécs (Rimavská Seč).

Although the mineral water of the spa had been widely known already from the 1860s, the bathing resort was built relatively late, at the turn of the century. The secret of its lightning fast bloom laid in its unique iodine-bromine mineral water rich in salt, and above all, in its capable, ambitious and modern-minded management. A contemporary source said in the peace years before the First World War that „in a few years, Csíz (today Číž) would be a far-famed spa of the Continent”. Well, even if the prophecy does not fully reflect reality, it has essentially been confirmed that the spa in Číž, as the only (!) spa in Gemer open for the public, has still been one of the most popular health resorts in the country.

Éva Kerényi 615.838(437.6)(091)
Spa Life in Gömör in the 19th Century, No. 11. 711.455:615.838(437.6)(091)
Csízfürdő – a world spa?!

Keywords: Gömör (Gemer), Csíz (Číž), spas, climatic resorts, balneology, medicinal mineral water