Spa Life in Gömör in the 19th Century, 9. The High Altitude Health Resort of Dobsina
The high altitude health resort—situated at the northernmost part of the Gömör County, in about two hours walking distance from the town of Dobšiná—belted by ozone-producing pine forests, can be placed within the climate and health resorts and spas of the Tatra mountains. The holiday resort located on a relatively wind-less and dust-less place, for its thinner air of higher humidity but less saturated by water-vapour, and for its cooler temperature, was not very popular among the locals, but in national–and even international—dimensions it was a popular and highly demanded destination for leisure, recreation and relaxation.
Éva Kerényi 615.838(437.6)(091)
Spa Life in Gömör in the 19th Century, 9. The High Altitude 711.455:615.838(437.6)(091)
Health Resort of Dobsina
Keywords: Gömör-Kishont (Gemer – Malohont), Dobsina (Dobšiná), Dobšinská Ice Cave, spa, climatic resorts, balneology.