Liszka, József (ed.): Acta Ethnologica Danubiana 22. – Az Etnológiai Központ Évkönyve – Ročenka Výskumného centra európskej etnológie – Jahrbuch des Forschungszentrums für Europäische Ethnologie [Yearbook of the Centre for European Ethnology]
Komárno/Komárom and Šamorín/Somorja, Forum Minority Research Institute, 2020, 356 p. The 22nd Yearbook of the Centre for European Ethnology of Forum Minority Research Institute, now... Bővebben
Gecse, Annabella: The Heart of Gemer/Gömör. Studies on the popular religious practice of Gemer/Gömör in Southern Slovakia
Komárno/Komárom and Šamorín/Somorja, Forum Minority Research Institute, Centre for European Ethnology, 2021, 368 p. The region traditionally known as Gemer (in Slovak) or Gömör (in... Bővebben
Lampl, Zsuzsanna: The political identity of ethnic Hungarians in Slovakia, 1989-1990.
Šamorín/Somorja, Forum Minority Research Institute, 2020, 240 p. Zsuzsanna Lampl’s latest book makes a somewhat nostalgic reading: the well-known sociologist that she is, examines the... Bővebben
Öllös, László: European Identity
Šamorín-Somorja, Forum Minority Research Institute, 2019, 240 p. Does what we call Europe have a “soul”? Also, is there any fitting and legitimate heritage, any... Bővebben
Combatting Illiberalism in the Heart of Europe: Lessons from Slovakia
Introduction The issue of democratic backsliding has been the topic of much discussion in recent years. There is general agreement that in the region of... Bővebben
In the Margins of a Party Resolution. The 1968 Resolution of the Political Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party on the Situation of the Nationalities in Hungary
After World War II, the policy on nationalities in the communist countries was entirely defined by the adoption of the Soviet model and the application... Bővebben