National Loyalty and Changing the Guard. The Disenfranchisement of the Jews of Komárom and the Surrounding Area (1938–1944)
Bajcsi Ildikó: Nemzethűség és őrségváltás. A komáromi és környékbeli zsidóság jogfosztása (1938–1944). [National Loyalty and Changing the Guard. The Disenfranchisement of the Jews of Komárom... Bővebben
László Tost, Mayor of Košice
Szeghy-Gayer Veronika: Tost László, Kassa polgármestere [László Tost, Mayor of Košice]. Kassa/Košice, Kassai Magyarok Fóruma, 2022, 220 p. Péter Váczy, possibly regarded as the “most... Bővebben
Monuments. Sacral (and “sacral”) monuments in the Carpathian Basin
Liszka, József: Monumentumok. Szakrális (és „szakrális”) kisemlékek a Kárpát-medencében [Monuments. Sacral (and “sacral”) monuments in the Carpathian Basin]. Komárom– Somorja, Fórum Kisebbségkutató Intézet– Etnológiai Központ,... Bővebben
Minority Research Journals in Slovakia and Hungary
It is hardly debatable that in the decades since the regime change, significant institutionalization has taken place in the Central European genre of ethnic studies,... Bővebben
To make stew, you need a hare, and to establish a monarchy, you need a king. Former Crown Prince Wilhelm II’s relationship with the National Socialist movement during the 1932 German presidential election
Introduction[1] Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia announced in a press release in the spring of 2023 that he was withdrawing his claim on numerous Hohenzollern... Bővebben
The Bourgeoisie, Armalists, Aristocrats. Entrepreneurial Strategies in the Iron Industry in Gemer (1780–1881)
DOI: Introduction[1] From a historical perspective, mining, metallurgy, and the iron industry can be consi dered to have been the most significant fields of... Bővebben